The idea was simple
Make meaningful improvements to the site that would drive increased revenue during the sale.
Our focus was on 3 main goals:
Reach +88% BFMC revenue (increased compared to previous year).
Increase Q3 conversion rate by +88% lift.
Improve BFCM landing page load speed.
Before making any recommendations on achieving our goals, we first assessed the existing site. We scrutinized site traffic, devices, geography, load speed, products, consumer channels, and more.
Once we had a handle on the data,
we implemented the following recommendations:
BFCM Dedicated Landing Page
After learning that 87% of Sophie Grace website visitors are new, we decided the BFCM landing page needed to clearly communicate the benefit of the sale, the value proposition of the product and build trust quickly with potential customers.
The BFCM landing page was comprised of key content such as:
Hero banner with BFCM offer
Countdown timer for the last 4-days of the sale
Capsule / modular wardrobe explainer
Brand value propositions
“Featured in” press / media logos and other trust badges
Top products / customer favourites
Styling advice / outfit combinations from Carl
Top customer reviews / testimonials
Top FAQs
Dynamic Content
Our research and best practices tell us that repetition and consistent messaging increases the probability the customer will take action. Therefor we reinforced the BFCM sale messaging on key website pages to drive sales.
Homepage - Hero banner
Highest traffic volume page
PDP - “Frequently Bought Together” module
Black Friday-specific and Cyber Monday -specific variations of content updates
Where customers can make a purchases
Dynamic Announcement Bar
The psychology of urgency drives action if the customer feels they will miss out on the benefit or value. We tapped into this insight and implemented a global announcement bar to support consistent messaging across the website and to create urgency.
The announcement bar was visible on every page of the website
Messaging during BF sale was centered around bundle discounts, and the announcement bar was clickable to landing page Messaging on Cyber Monday was centered around sitewide discount, and also include a countdown timer to promote a sense of urgency
Announcement bar variations were scheduled to automatically transition between each other during the sale
Cart Adjustments
Building trust and reducing friction is paramount for customers at the point of purchase. Therefore we recommended improvements to create a seamless and trustworthy cart experience.
Logos representing all available payment options (i.e. credit cards, express checkouts) were added to both the Cart modal and Cart page
Visible and recognizable logos help improve brand credibility and sense of trust in users
Suggested enabling all credit card options, and Apple / Google / Shop Pay for express checkout
Shipping and taxes messaging in Cart was updated to reflect free standard shipping offer during BFCM
Automatic Scheduling Apps
Running BFCM campaigns can be complex and labour intensive. So, in order to reduce the level of manual labour required, we leveraged automated scheduling apps.
We also had the hurdle of delivering unique BFCM discounts. To achieve this, we sourced, tested, and implemented a new Shopify discount app that was able to successfully handle multiple discount variations.
Researched and installed automation apps for discounting, dynamic content scheduling and dynamic announcement bars
Pre-scheduling automatic apps helped reduce midnight manual labour
BF automatic discount gave users 20% off 3-5 pieces, and 30% off 6+ pieces (excluding accessories and/or charity-focused pieces)
CM automatic discount gave users 20% off site-wide (excluding accessories and/or charity-focused pieces)
Slashed pricing was displayed in the cart and checkout to reinforce saving messaging to customers
Overall the campaign was a huge success!
We exceeded the key revenue goal and improved all metrics!
BFCM Revenue increase (YoY)
Ecomm CVR increase
Avg. Pg Load Time improved